BV's Blog, January 8, 2022 - A New Year: "As long as the sun is shining..."

Forgive me folks, it has been eight months since my last blog entry!  

A lot has happened in the past eight months. Musically, I put out an album (Acres of Chrome) and have been performing at numerous venues in person and in Zoom.  On December 3, 2021 I performed my first full length live show in a long time:  at Gravity Espresso and Wine Bar, here in Calgary.  It was fun and I'm looking forward to doing more.

Day job-wise I returned to the elementary school classroom in front of real live kids.  I teach music and have a Grade Five class as well.

I started taking voice lessons from renowned Calgary voice coach Flo Shustack.  It's been a great ride as Flo has been helping me go above and beyond what I thought I could do with my voice.

It's now 2022.  It's cold. The pandemic rages on. All we can do is carry on. I had a chat with Jim, my next door neighbour today.  He gestured toward the blue sky and said, "As long as the sun is shining, I don't care how cold it is or what else is going on. Just think, pretty soon we'll be cutting our lawns again!"  Thanks Jim. I can't wait.